People often have two choices when faced with difficult circumstances, either to give up and hope or to face and fight against the difficult circumstances. Often this choice is what determines how that person's life will turn out.
Believing strongly in your dreams is what can support you in your struggle against hopelessness. Having a strong will and determination to succeed is the only thing that can make you believe in your goals and give you hope to overcome all the challenges you face.
Happiness and joy may seem hard to come by, but there is no doubt that they will be waiting to reward you at the end of the road of hard work and struggle if you decide to follow it.
Abillionaire only fails when he believes he cannot achieve his dreams
Climbing a ladder is really dangerous, but if you want to achieve your goal, climb it, because if you don't, the only other option you have is to stand at the bottom of the ladder and complain about how hard life is.
**How ​​to Get the Life You Want Without Looking at What You Have**
Nick Vujicic was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, and was born with a rare disease, which is that he was born missing his four limbs (two legs and two arms). When he was first born, his mother refused to see him or hold him while the nurse held him for a while, but they later agreed that when he was young, Vujicic's disability caused him to face visual and emotional struggles.
The laws in his country did not allow him to join a good school, soon after he was allowed to join the school, he was pressured and bullied by his fellow students, which caused the child to suffer when he was 8 years old. When he was 10 years old he tried to kill himself when he couldn't stand it anymore.
Vujicic's ambition was to live a successful life and be able to overcome all these obstacles to achieve success.
Although he had no people, he did not think about us, but instead one of his very thin feet, which had two toes, lived a prosperous life. He learned how to use a computer and can type 40 characters per minute.
He was also able to throw a tennis ball, hold a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave his beard. He can play many sports like golf, swimming, and sky diving. He holds two university degrees in accounting and economics.
Vujicic has become an inspirational figure and has traveled the world, speaking to 3 million people in over 44 countries. One of his most famous words of encouragement is “DREAM BIG MY FRIEND AND DON'T GIVE UP.
He later founded an organization called "LIFE AAN LIMBSADA" and a company called "ATTITUDE IS ALTITUDE". In 2005 he was named the Australian Youth of the Year 2002. He is married to Kanae Miyahara and has two children.
This story by Nic Vujicic opens our eyes to the fact that weakness happens in the heart but not in your body. Lack of motivation is a disease of the mind but not the body. Speaking about these issues, he said, "The biggest disability is the fear of being sick in a wheelchair, so why are you making excuses?"